Folk Art is the technique of developing brush strokes with acrylic paint to create depth, shading and highlighting details to a Wooden Lasercut Blank.
Don’t miss this opportunity to unwind, explore your creativity, and bring home an unique piece of art!
After this workshop you will go away with the confidence and the knowledge to paint brushstrokes on everything in site !
Cost for the lesson is R200 and payment of this secures your booking.
Enjoy a hot cappuccino / tea and our famous Chocolate Brownies included in this Workshop!
Choose & Purchase a Lasercut Wooden Blank, Paints & Brushes at the workshop
I’ll be there to guide you through every step of the process, ensuring you have a fun and fulfilling experience.
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Non-Competition Clause:
I agree that by purchasing and attending any craft workshop with Ceramic Craft Studio, I shall, in addition to the terms and conditions on their website, be legally bound by the following non-competition undertakings:-
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